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Best Feature Film

“Road to Terzetto” Directed by Brian Shakti

Best Comedy Feature

"WordLotto" Directed by Johnny Baca


Best Short Film

“The Next Girl” Directed by Terrah Bennett Smith

“Ellie” Directed by Vinny O'Brien

“It's Real to Me” Directed by Ruben Harjono

“Invisible People” Directed by Raphael Buisson

“DUMDUM” Directed by Giancarlo Diaz

“Shooting Your Own Shadow” Directed by Joseph J Parisi & Michael Amman

"To Damien" Directed by Titus Andrew Rhodes

Best Foreign Short

“Satya” Directed by Naveen Vijay Krishna

“The Online Shop” Directed by Carsten Woike

“Loki and Me” Directed by Craig Andrew Wyhoon

Best Drama Short

“SHATTERED” Directed by Kory Getman

“Morendo” Directed by  Kyle Cyr

“Savior of the Universe” Directed by Routong Li

“Roommates” Directed by Jared Robert Gangadaran

Best Action/Thriller/Sci-Fi Short

“LifeQuest” Directed by Richard Lounello

“Launch at Paradise” Directed by Carrie Ann Quinn

“Justice” Directed by iurii Sumaneev

“Agent Red 2” Directed by Kevin Barile

“VIRAL” Directed by Al Chang

“The Time Machine” Directed by Ebrahim Ghaeini

“The Prototype” Directed by Pieter Markus

Best Horror Short

“Who Invited The Robots?” Directed by Jack Schneiderman, Todd Wallace, & Dan Rathke

“Killer in a Small Town” Directed by Clinton Cornwell

“Subsurface” Directed by Daniel John Harris

“Bound By Blood” Directed by David Estrada Suarez

“Nyctophobia” Directed by Alec Billante

Best Comedy Short

“W.I.L.S.D.M” Directed by Chloe Samantha Rose Owens

“Breakdown” Directed by Gabriel Tibi

“[INSERT SHORT FILM TITLE]” Directed by Kory Orban

“Things To Do Before You Turn 18” Directed by George Tsereteli Ortiz

“Morgue Love” Directed by Alvaro Enrique Wong

“The Emotional Support Center: The Latin Experience” Directed by Daniel Guzman

Best Music Video

“Drink To You, Morgan Wallen” Directed by Ryan Parker

“John DeMena - Eternal Eyes” Directed by Ishan Shukla

“22Gz: "Everything Dead” Directed by ILLIST VILLINS

“December Fades - "Sunrise” Directed by Joel Umbaugh

“Moses” Directed by Ai Toyoshima & Sam Lobel

“Jen Ash "I'm Dreaming of You” Directed by Eddie Reid

“ego” Directed by Adam Lukowski

"Apollo" Directed by Thang Huy Nguyen

"Who is God?" Directed by Oscar Adan Lopez Parres

Best Animation

“Speedman” Directed by Joe Bowers

“Knightlights & Teddy Bears” Directed by Mackenzie K. Wertman

“Wa Isjod Wa Iqtareb (Prostrate and Draw Near)” Directed by Suraya AlShehry & Nabila Abuljadayel

“Little White Lies” Directed by Jisoo Kim

“Fred and Frankie” Directed by Kate McNeely & Jenny Shuermann


Best Woman Filmmaker

“INSIDE ME - YOU” Directed by Arina Rozova

“Abrazo” Directed by Paola Baldion

“Vita” Directed by Callie Haun

“Walking in the Wrong Direction” Directed by Lisa Singletary

Best Student/New Filmmaker

“Birdhouse” Directed by Hayden Stocker

“Dr. M: The Method Lecture” Directed by A.L. Pruitt

“Angel & Paris” Directed by Ashton Ghaffaar & Chris Graziano

“Roberta's Rules” Directed by Derrex Brady

“Two Fridges” Directed by Rob Banish

Best Documentary Short

“Seven Letters” Directed by Pieter Markus

“Secret Of Happiness” Directed by Greg S. Reid

“The Perfect Shot: Antarctica” Directed by Quinn Halleck

Best Documentary Feature

“Lioness Within” Directed by Aleksandar Adzic

Best Suspense/Thriller Screenplay

“The Strongman” Written by Todd Ryan Jones

“THE GIRL IN THE GLACIER” Written by Catherine Schandl


Best Dramatic Screenplay

“KEIKO SPEAKS - A True Story” Written by Bonnie Norton

“Donavan Emery, The Android & Himself” Written by Jesse Dorian


Best Comedy Screenplay

“Chuck Or Zima Must Die” Written by Johnny Galvan 3

“Steve's Law” Written by Paul May


Best Action-Adventure Screenplay

“Wrath” Written by Martin White II

“SQUADRE” Written by Charles Petrilla

Best Horror Screenplay

"Carnevil” Written by Anthony Cross

"Robot Asteroid” Written by Paul May


Best Screenplay

“The Volunteer” Written by Robert Allen Nelson & Jason Morwick

“Blood Ties” Written by William Hovey Smith

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